LINE Ads Platform 身份驗證
感謝您一直以來對 LINE Ads Platform 的支持。
為了配合《詐欺犯罪危害防制條例》及相關子法規的要求,並秉持 LINE Taiwan 防範詐騙的立場,我們於 2024 年 12 月 10 日起開始進行廣告主身份驗證,並於 2025 年 1 月 20 日起強制啟用 LINE Business ID 的雙重認證。
1. 廣告主身份驗證
從 2024 年 12 月 10 日起,所有新建立的廣告帳號必須進行廣告主身份驗證。在廣告帳號審核流程中,我們將同時進行身份驗證,並根據廣告主的身份確認相關的身份證明文件。請依照您的身份類型提供以下文件:
- 台灣法人公司廣告主:請提供法人公司證明文件並附上公司用印章(大小章),例如工商憑證、商業登記證明文件或其他具有台灣立案效力的證明文件等。
- 台灣個人廣告主:請提供身分證正反面影本。
- 海外法人公司廣告主:請提供具有當地立案效力之證明文件,並蓋上公司用印章。
- 海外個人廣告主:請提供護照個人資訊頁影本。
2. 雙重認證啟用
為了進一步加強防範詐騙,LINE Ads Platform 將於 2025 年 1 月 20 日起強制啟用 LINE Business ID 的雙重認證。
若您的 LINE Business ID 未啟用雙重認證,將無法建立廣告帳號。
- 步驟一:點擊LAP右上角「用戶名稱」> 「基本檔案・語言設定」,下拉至最底,開啟「雙重認證」
- 步驟二:進行雙重認證
3. 授權書與身份驗證流程
若您的 LINE Business ID 是協助法人型態的廣告主操作 LINE Ads Platform,我們將針對此類型的 LINE Business ID 提供授權書來完成身份驗證流程。
- 授權書範本下載:下載身份驗證授權書範本
- 授權書填寫說明:
- 若您是透過「商用帳號」登入:請在授權書中第 2 點「授權範圍」填入您的電子郵件地址 (email)(LINE ID為選填)。
- 若您是透過「LINE帳號」登入:請在授權書中第 2 點「授權範圍」填入您的電子郵件地址 (email) 及 LINE ID(兩者均為必填)。
- 在第 6 點「聯繫資訊」處,請填入授權公司及代表人相關資訊(此處不限公司機構之法定代表人)。
- 若您為代理商或第三方協助廣告主投放廣告,授權公司可以是代理商或廣告主的法人機構。
4. 法規遵循與資料提供
LINE Ads Platform 將依據法規、新增約定事項及 LINE 相關流程或規範,蒐集法規要求之廣告主資料,並在完成廣告帳號建立前對廣告主身份進行審核。
再次感謝您對 LINE Ads Platform 的支持與配合。
Thank you for your continued support of LINE Ads Platform.
In compliance with the "Anti-Fraud Act" and related sub-laws, and in line with LINE Taiwan's stance on fraud prevention, we begin implementing advertiser identity verification starting on December 10, 2024, and enforce mandatory two-factor authentication (2FA) for LINE Business ID from January 20, 2025.
1. Advertiser Identity Verification
Starting December 10, 2024, all new ad accounts must undergo advertiser identity verification. During the ad account review process, we will verify the identity of the advertiser and confirm the relevant identity documents based on the type of identity provided. Please provide the following documents according to your identity type:
- Taiwan Corporate Advertisers: Please provide proof of corporate status along with the company seal (both company and representative seals), such as a business registration certificate, commercial registration certificate, or other documents with legal standing in Taiwan.
- Taiwan Individual Advertisers: Please provide a copy of both sides of your ID card (front and back).
- Overseas Corporate Advertisers: Please provide proof of registration from the relevant local authority, with the company’s official seal.
- Overseas Individual Advertisers: Please provide a copy of your passport’s personal information page.
If you are an agency or third party managing ads for an advertiser, please also provide the agency’s corporate proof along with the company seal (both company and representative seals), such as a business registration certificate, commercial registration certificate, or other documents with legal standing in Taiwan.
How to Submit Identity Verification Documents:
Please upload the identity verification documents to the "Upload File" section when creating your ad account.
The image shown is for reference purposes; the actual interface may differ.
2. Two-Factor Authentucation
To further enhance fraud prevention, LINE Ads Platform enforces the mandatory use of two-factor authentication (2FA) for LINE Business ID starting on January 20, 2025.
If your LINE Business ID has not enabled 2FA, you will not be able to create an ad account.
Steps to Enable Two-Factor Authentication:
- Click on the user name at the top right corner of LAP > "Profile & Language Settings" and scroll to the bottom to enable "Two-Factor Authentication."
- Follow the steps to complete the two-factor authentication process.

For more details, please refer to: Two-Factor Authentication Guidelines
3. Authentucation Letter and Identity Verification Process
If you, a LINE Business ID user, assist corporate advertisers in operating LINE Ads Platform, we will provide an authorization letter for this type of LINE Business ID to complete the identity verification process.
Please follow the instructions below to complete the authorization letter:
- Download Authorization Letter Template: Download Template
- Authorization Letter Instructions:
- If you are logging in through a "Business Account", please enter your email address in Point 2 ("Scope of Authorization") of the authorization letter (LINE ID is optional).
- If you are logging in through a "LINE Account", please enter both your email address and LINE ID in Point 2 ("Scope of Authorization") (both are required).
- In Point 6 ("Contact Information"), please provide the information of the authorized company and its representative (this does not need to be the statutory representative of the company or organization).
- If you are an agency or third party assisting an advertiser in running ads, the authorized company can be either the agency or the advertiser's corporate entity.
4. Compliance with Regulations and Data Provision
LINE Ads Platform will collect the required advertiser information based on legal regulations, new agreements, and LINE's related processes or policies. Advertiser identities will be verified before the creation of ad accounts is completed.
Additionally, if we receive a request from the relevant authorities, we will assist in providing the necessary data to comply with regulatory requirements.
Once again, we thank you for your continued support and cooperation with LINE Ads Platform.