LINE Ads Platform 使用條款
LINE Ads Platform廣告主使用條款
本LINE Ads Platform廣告主使用條款(下稱「本使用條款」)是就LY Corporation及/或經LY Corporation指定的關係企業 [例如於台灣銷售時(經簽署服務條款(如第2條第1項定義)之客戶(下稱「客戶」)選定付款對象為台灣連線股份有限公司),為台灣連線股份有限公司](以下合稱「本公司」)與客戶間,於使用LINE Ads Platform(下稱「本服務」)時應遵守的條款及條件。此外,客戶代表人(或代表客戶行事之人),應在此聲明及保證,其係經客戶正式授權,有權代表客戶同意遵守本使用條款,並基於授權同意本使用條款。客戶開始使用本服務時,即代表客戶已正式同意遵守本使用條款。客戶若欲依據本使用條款將本服務之全部或一部進行分包予任何第三方,客戶應取得本公司同意,並應負責督促分包商履行本使用條款下客戶所負之義務,及對此類分包商義務的履行負相關責任。
第1條 本服務之概述
第2條 契約關係
1. 欲申請使用本服務之一方(下稱「申請人」)應同意本使用條款,並將必要資料填寫至本公司另行規定的「申請表」後,寄至本公司。當本公司接受申請表後,與本服務有關的服務契約(下稱「服務契約」)即應視同成立於本公司以及成為客戶的申請人間。
2. 申請人得透過廣告代理商申請簽署服務契約。
3. 當有下列事由時,本公司得拒絕簽署服務契約的申請:
(1) 申請人已經或可能(由本公司進行認定)拖欠使用費、其他費用、附加費用或服務遲延利息(包含本服務及本公司提供之其他服務);
(2) 申請人可能(由本公司進行認定)對本服務之聲譽有負面影響;
(3) 申請表中含有任何不實、虛偽之資訊;或
(4) 除了前三款事由外,本公司認為對於服務契約之執行顯有不適當之事由。
4. 若客戶符合前項事由時,本公司得暫停客戶使用本服務,或直接終止與客戶間之服務契約,不待事先通知或警告。
第3條 本使用條款及媒體資料之關係
第4條 本使用條款之變更
第5條 支付使用費
1. 本公司將計算本服務之使用費並以下列兩種方式之一向客戶收取使用費:(1)於本公司所指定之日期依客戶提供之信用卡資訊進行扣款,或(2)本公司將於每個月最後一日關閉其帳簿以計算本服務之使用費,原則上本公司將於下個月第十(10)個工作日內,依本公司指定的方法開立發票或對帳單。客戶應依本公司指定之方法,在各指定的付款日前,支付發票或對帳單上記載之金額。客戶應自行負擔匯款或任何由此產生之銀行手續費。若因發票中本服務註冊的收件地址或信用卡資訊有誤或有瑕疵,導致帳單開立有問題,則本公司毋須為此負任何責任。客戶應嚴格遵守付款到期日,若客戶未能於到期日前支付本服務之使用費或其他附加費用時,本公司得向客戶就遲延給付之金額向客戶收取年利率10%之遲延利息,且本公司應有權終止或暫停提供本服務,直到客戶結清應繳之使用費及適用之利息為止。
2. 若客戶依據日本《消費稅法》、臺灣《加值型及非加值型營業稅法》或其他付款相關法規應給付任何費用予本公司時,則客戶應將使用費連同適用的費用一併給付。
3. 關於使用費或任何其他金額,本公司均將進行四捨五入計算至整數位。
4. 本公司有權自行決定更改使用費和本服務相關條款,惟本公司應先向客戶寄送事前書面通知(包括透過電子郵件之方式)或在本服務之廣告發布系統中公告相關更正。
5. 若客戶向本公司支付的使用費有溢繳或短少,且原因確認為(包括但不限於)本服務系統錯誤造成向客戶開立發票內容有誤,且客戶被要求額外繳交使用費予本公司時,本公司得於與客戶確認及通知款項有誤後,透過提高或降低次月以後帳單使用費之方式,來調整問題帳單的數額(包括溢繳或短少的問題帳單)(若客戶除本服務之外亦使用本公司提供的其他服務,使用費應包括客戶應向本公司支付之一切款項,不限於本服務之使用費)。關於造成開帳錯誤的原因,本公司在商業上應盡其合理努力,在得以確認錯誤原因的程度內通知客戶,且應秉持誠信原則與客戶協商,但若因該等錯誤原因無法辨識或確認而使本公司無法向客戶確認或通知原因時,則本公司應無義務向客戶告知錯誤原因。
6. 於法律規定或本公司認為合適的個案情況下,本公司得退還客戶使用費。本公司退還使用費時,將開立折讓單予客戶,客戶同意該折讓單無須另經客戶確認或同意。為免疑義,除退還使用費外,本公司得於其認為合適的其他個案情況下,包括但不限於修正發票所載資訊,依據本項規定開立折讓單,客戶同意該折讓單無須另經客戶確認或同意。
第6條 發布期間
1. 各廣告之發布期間由各客戶自行決定,並應透過本公司提供之管理網頁進行發布。
2. 客戶設定廣告發布時間時,管理網頁上所顯示的時區,可能因客戶設定的差異,導致與本公司於計算向客戶開立發票時所採用的時區有不一致之情形,就此等差異客戶不應提出任何異議。
3. 縱使於廣告發布期間均已屆滿,若各廣告仍有剩餘預算,則使用費用仍將視各廣告之快取檔案(cache)仍存在且顯示於本服務用戶(下稱「用戶」)終端裝置之期間而計算。
第7條 提交素材之相關權利
1. 客戶應自行負責備置並提交於本服務上發布的素材,以及在連結網址內之素材(包括但不限於,網域名稱、URL、該網域名稱內的網站以及行動應用程式,以上合稱「連結網址」)相關處理的權利(包括但不限於向著作權集體管理機構,如日本「一般社團法人日本音樂著作權協會」(JASRAC)或其他臺灣著作權集體管理機構之付費);客戶亦應自行承擔上述相關費用。客戶並應授權本公司永久且無償之必要權利,使本公司得於本服務所涵蓋的媒體上展示所提交之素材。
2. 為改善客戶的使用者友善環境以及本服務之內容,客戶應授權本公司永久且無償之必要權利,使本公司國內事業、海外子公司以及本公司之分包商均得複製、分析並檢查本服務使用之提交素材,以確保無任何侵害第三人權利之事由,以及提交素材在相關主題中的合適性。
第8條. 客戶之責任
1. 無論客戶是否為相關廣告之直接廣告主,客戶均應聲明且保證該提交素材及連結網址:(a) 未侵害任何第三人之著作權、智慧財產權、公開權、隱私權或任何其他第三方之權利;(b) 未違反日本《藥物及醫療器材法》、《不當贈品類及不當標示防止法》或其他任何相關法律及法規(為免疑義,此等法律及法規不僅限於客戶之設立國家,而應包括廣告發布之國家的法律及法規,例如臺灣相關法規,包括但不限於《公平交易法》、《化妝品衛生安全管理法》、《健康食品管理法》或《藥事法》等);(c) 包含正確及最新資訊,且不包含會讓用戶混淆誤認的內容、電腦病毒或虛偽不實資料,且提交素材與連結網址並非與廣告內容無關或無涉之資訊;(d) 非失效連結;以及 (e) 非違反公序良俗、構成誹謗第三人或損害第三人名譽之內容。
2. 若本公司因其提交素材或連結網址遭第三人提出任何申訴、請求時,應由客戶自行處理該等申訴或請求,並承擔相關費用。若客戶因其提交素材或連結網址,而使本公司受到任何損害,客戶應立即賠償本公司所受的相關損害(包括但不限於營收損失、特別損害賠償及合理法律相關費用)。
第8條之2 詐欺防制協力
1. 廣告不得含有任何涉及欺詐之內容。
2. 客戶應完成以下身分驗證(或稱「瞭解您的客戶」或「KYC」)程序:
(1) 遠距驗證:客戶應提供身分證明文件電子檔,並以本公司指定的下列方式核實身分:
(a) 以讀卡機傳輸由內政部憑證管理中心(MOICA)、經濟部工商憑證管理中心(MOEACA)、政府憑證總管理中心(GCA)或中華民國政府認可之任何其他機關所核發之數位簽章憑證資料;
(b) 快速線上身分識別(Fast IDentity Online,FIDO)機制;
(c) 其他資料傳輸有安全加密機制之身分核實技術,包括但不限於行動身分識別(Mobile ID)機制、一次性密碼(One-Time Password,OTP),或客戶依據要求手持身分證明文件視訊;或
(d) 法律允許的任何其他驗證方法。
(2) 親臨驗證:客戶應向本公司出示身分證明文件正本。
若客戶委任代理人辦理驗證,代理人必須另外出示 (a) 具客戶簽章之授權書正本;及 (b) 代理人身分證明文件正本。
3. 資訊揭露:
(1) 客戶的身分:
a. 就自然人而言,其身分證明文件上記載的姓名;及
b. 法人的名稱及地址;
(2) 廣告依法須經許可者,其許可字號;
(3) 若廣告使用深偽技術或人工智慧生成之個人圖像,則揭露該使用;及
(4) 標示「AD」、「廣告」或類似訊息,以及本公司依法指定之任何其他訊息。
4. 客戶知悉並同意,本公司得依打詐條例向法院、檢察署及司法警察機關提供客戶資料(包括但不限於LINE ID、官方帳號ID、手機號碼、電磁紀錄、文書、影像、物品、使用者註冊及身分驗證程序所取得之資料、連線紀錄、交易紀錄,及任何其他足以重建客戶及相關交易之相關資料)供其調查之用,而不另行通知。客戶應與本公司充分合作,應法院、檢察署及(或)司法警察機關的通知提供其他額外資料,並及時回應其詢問。
5. 若本公司知悉或收到任何有關客戶發布任何涉嫌詐欺廣告的通知,客戶確認並同意本公司得採取以下任何行動,且本公司毋須對此負任何責任,亦不會退還任何已支付的服務款項:
(1) 移除、限制接取或停止顯示相關廣告,或採取其他必要措施;及
(2) 停止或暫停向客戶提供本服務。
6. 本公司得拒絕提供本服務給不遵守本服務條款任何約定的客戶。
7. 客戶應向本公司賠償因客戶違反本服務條款之任何約定而產生或與其相關的任何損失及損害(包括但不限於行政罰鍰、第三方求償、所失利益及合理律師費)。
第9條 廣告審查標準
1. 提交之素材內容、素材格式及連結網址,均應符合本公司制定的廣告審查標準或或附隨的指導規範(合稱「發布規範」)。惟請特別注意,發布規範之設立意旨並非提供法律意見。客戶須自行負責確認並遵守所有適用於其提交廣告之法律、法規及條例等。
2. 為確認客戶的發布內容是否遵守發布規範,本公司對客戶提交廣告相關的URL進行檢索(Crawling)。客戶在此事先同意,若本公司無法進行檢索時,則可能會出現無法發布廣告的情形,並確認在公司進行檢索時,將不會修改發布內容。本公司對於客戶因執行檢索而造成的任何損害均不負任何責任。
第10條. 提交素材及連結網址之審查
第11條 發布之暫停
縱使提交素材之內容及格式與連結網址均已通過本公司依據發布規範所作之審查,於下列情況,本公司可自行決定立即停止發布廣告之全部或一部,即使該等提交素材相關之廣告已開始發布亦然,且本公司毋須因停止發布而向客戶負擔任何違約責任、損害賠償責任或其他法律上的責任:(1) 客戶違反其聲明義務,或未履行本使用條款之規定,或本公司單方面認為很可能發生上述違約情事;或(2) 本公司單方面認為,該提交素材或相關連結網址之廣告發布就特定社會因素而言並不恰當。且於此情況下,客戶仍有義務就該等提交素材支付使用費。
第12條 服務之中斷
(1) 維護本服務使用之系統或設備;
(2) 本服務使用之系統或設備發生故障;或
(3) 因任何可規責於電信業者之事由,導致電子通訊服務無法使用。
第13條 服務之暫停
(1) 客戶逾期未支付本服務之使用費;
(2) 客戶未依照本公司規定之方法移轉、出借或分享於本服務使用之帳號或管理頁面;
(3) 客戶侵害任何第三方的工業財產權、著作權或其他智慧財產權;
(4) 客戶違反相關適用之法律或法規,包括憲法、國際條約、法律、法規和地方命令;
(5) 客戶將本服務所提供之廣告版位提供或轉售予第三方;
(6) 客戶發布與客戶之產品或服務無關之資訊(或,於廣告代理商之情形,發布與委託代理商刊播廣告之廣告主之產品或服務無關之資訊)或引導用戶至無關之連結網址;
(7) 客戶在申請表填入不實或虛偽資訊;
(8) 客戶發布含有虛假或偽造內容之資訊;
(9) 客戶違反發布規範發布資訊;
(10) 客戶發布違反公序良俗之資訊;
(11) 客戶侵害第三方之名譽、信譽、隱私或其他權利;
(12) 客戶對本公司或本公司之顧客有不利或有害的行為;
(13) 客戶有本公司認為非法或不適當之行為;
(14) 客戶的行為導致或可能導致重大妨礙本公司之運作或本服務的提供及營運(由本公司進行認定);
(15) 經營或提供本服務使用之行動裝置應用程式市場的第三方(即Apple Inc.和Google Inc.)(以上合稱「平台業者」)要求本公司暫停提供本服務之全部或一部。
第14條 服務之終止
1. 本公司認為適當時,得終止本服務之全部或一部。
2. 若本公司要終止本服務,本公司應在終止前三(3)個月透過在本公司網站上進行公告或是透過如電子郵件等書面通知之方式告知客戶。
3. 當本服務之全部或一部依據前兩項規定終止時,服務契約亦自該終止之日起同步終止。
第15條 服務契約之終止
1. 若客戶有第13條(服務之暫停)規定的任何事由時,本公司得不依據第13條暫停本服務,直接以向客戶發送通知之方式,立即終止與客戶的服務契約。
2. 若發現他方的任何高級管理人員、職員、代理人或經紀人(以上合稱「涉案人員」)危害社會組織(如犯罪組織團體,或為犯罪組織集團之成員、準成員或關係企業,或為詐騙公司、政治詐騙組織、智慧財產犯罪組織團體或任何其他類似之組織或個人),或另一方的涉案人員有涉入前述危害社會組織之行為,則本公司或客戶均可透過向他方發送通知之方式,立即終止服務契約。
3. 若依據本條第1項事由終止服務契約,且客戶帳戶中仍有餘額時,則本公司將依照本公司指定的方法將餘額退還給客戶;但若客戶未能在本公司指定期限內指定預計退款的帳戶,或非因可歸責於本公司之原因,導致無法將餘額退款至客戶指定的帳戶時,本公司得保留該餘額,且客戶應自行負擔匯款或任何由此產生之銀行手續費。
4. 前項所述之退款額度,應扣除客戶對本公司積欠的所有負債(包括但不限於使用費和損害賠償)。
5. 若本公司與客戶之間的廣告發布合作關係結束,且客戶將不再使用本服務,而帳戶中仍有餘額時,本公司應依據客戶之請求退還該餘額。原則上,退還餘額所需的匯款或任何由此產生之銀行手續費應由本公司承擔,但若因客戶的原因導致仍有餘額之情形,則本公司將會要求客戶支付匯款或任何由此產生之銀行手續費。
第16條 LINE Tag
LINE Tag係指本公司為量測本公司用戶造訪第三方經營管理的網站之狀況及行為而提供的網站編碼。客戶於使用LINE Tag時應遵守LINE Tag之使用規範。
第17條 受眾資料
1. 客戶得透過提交辨識碼資訊(包括Android廣告辨識碼及客戶持有之IDFA,下稱「行動廣告辨識碼」)、客戶持有的聯絡資訊(如電話號碼及電子郵件地址,下稱「聯絡資訊」)予公司之方式,或由LINE Tag或第三方工具傳送至本公司之用戶造訪及行為資訊(與「行動廣告辨識碼」及「聯絡資訊」合稱「受眾資料」)而使用特定功能,使客戶得透過本服務向本公司特定用戶發送廣告(下稱「受眾資料功能」),但前提為客戶應承諾並遵守下列條件:
(1). 指定受眾資料後,廣告發布的目的地數應大於媒體資料中記載之數量。
(2). 當客戶透過指定聯絡資訊發布廣告時,客戶應自行負責將該等聯絡資訊以本公司指定之方式進行適當轉換後,提交予本公司;
(3). 客戶使用本服務運用已提交或傳輸之受眾資料時,應遵守一切相關法律、法規與發布規範等;
(4). 客戶使用受眾資料功能時,應向本公司聲明及保證如下:
(a) 客戶將會以合法方式(包括取得資料擁有者之同意)直接或透過第三方工具提供者取得受眾資料,並傳送給本公司;且
(b) 關於廣告發布相關的受眾資訊,客戶均已透過合法方式(包括取得資料擁有者之同意),以受眾資料輸入本服務之方式,向該等受眾資料之擁有者取得授權;
(5). 客戶應尊重指定目標之受眾資料當事人基於變更終端裝置設定或瀏覽器設定,或透過客戶提供的其他方式所作出撤回同意之決定,且應保證一旦受眾資料當事人已撤回同意,當客戶再次使用受眾資料功能時,其受眾資料即不應再被納入客戶指定的受眾資料中。此外,若本公司認定受眾資料之指定目標用戶已基於變更終端裝置設定或瀏覽器設定,或透過客戶提供的其他方式撤回同意,客戶茲同意該等受眾資料應被排除於使用受眾資料功能之廣告發布,即使該等受眾資料包含於客戶指定之受眾資料內亦然。
(6). 客戶在此瞭解,廣告發布對象可能不是受眾資料當事人,或者廣告可能會發布給客戶認定受眾資料當事人以外之對象(此情況包括但不限於,客戶取得的聯絡資訊不正確,及客戶取得的聯絡資訊和本公司取得的連絡資訊有歧異)。客戶同意若其因此受到任何損害,本公司毋須為此負擔任何責任。
2. 本公司僅會將客戶提交之聯絡資訊與行動廣告辨識碼用於比對本公司持有的資料來選擇廣告發佈受眾之目的。除本公司原已持有之資料外,比對完成後,該聯絡資訊與行動廣告辨識碼將自動從本公司之環境中刪除。
3. 若客戶提供本公司任何個人關聯資訊(包括但不限於廣告識別碼、電話號碼、電子郵件帳號、本公司指定予用戶之內部識別碼,本條以下皆同)之情況下,客戶必須理解並事前同意本公司將依下列方式處理客戶提供之前開資訊:
(1) 客戶提供之個人關聯資訊將用於與本公司持有之個人資料進行比對以選擇廣告發佈受眾。除了本公司原已持有之資料以外,於前述比對過程完成後,本公司將於本公司環境中刪除該等個人關聯資訊。
(2) 本公司僅會使用公司所持有且已取得當事人事前同意之個人資料,進行前項所述個人關聯資訊之比對;及
(3) 本公司將刪除任何無法依第17條第3項第(1)款規定進行比對之個人關聯資訊。
4. 客戶應遵守個人資料保護法及其他與處理資訊相關之法律、命令、指引,例如於提供給本公司的資訊中包含個人資料時,應取得個人資料當事人之事前同意。
第18條. 廣告發布相關之免責聲明
1. 本公司不保證本服務無任何瑕疵、錯誤或其他因任何原因可能發生的問題;可能發生的問題包括:排定發布的廣告無法如期展示、廣告內容未依原定格式展示、廣告展示對象非原定受眾、或顯示不正確資料等。客戶應完全知悉上述可能性,若遇廣告發布系統未正確運作或廣告發布未如計畫實施,客戶均不應向本公司提起任何法律行動,惟因本公司故意的不當行為所造成者不在此限。
2. 客戶特此同意,本公司得基於優化或改善本服務廣告發布邏輯品質之目的,就特定部分之流量,進行廣告測試發布或以不同於一般類型廣告發布邏輯進行廣告發布確認,毋須另行通知客戶。客戶亦同意,本公司就上述類型之廣告發布亦將依據本使用條款第5條規定向客戶收取使用費。
3. 客戶承認若出於本公司無法控制之原因,導致廣告在本服務被錯誤地發布或點擊,本公司對此不負擔任何責任,亦不會因此給予任何使用費上之折扣。
第19條 本公司免責聲明
1. 指定受眾用途屬性資訊的計算基礎,係運用本公司制定的獨立演算法針對本公司用戶行為所作的分析,本公司不保證指定屬性資訊將準確對應每位用戶的真實屬性。
2. 本公司於任何情況皆不就下列事項保證或承擔責任:(a) 提交素材及連結網址;(b) 本公司用戶或任何第三方所作與提交素材或連結網址有關的任何行為;(c) 與廣告發布相關的提案文件或由本公司向客戶提供或出借的任何項目(包括但不限於本公司向客戶提供的意見、提案、預測或其他任何資訊),或使用該等項目之結果;或(d) 發布位置、指定受眾功能的品質(包括廣告發布的人數以及發布的結果)及準確性。
3. 縱使廣告發布系統正常運作,由於用戶的設定、行動應用程式(app)的版本或其他設定及使用環境等因素,而使廣告內容無法正確展示或造成用戶點擊連結網址時無法被導向正確內容,本公司亦毋須為上述情事負責。
4. 因客戶不正確之設定而致之損害,本公司毋須為此負責。
5. 於任何有必要兌換匯率時,本公司有權以本公司指定之匯率進行換匯。客戶不應對本公司指定之匯率提出任何異議,即使客戶因該等匯率而產生任何損害或遭受任何不利益亦然,本公司毋須為此向客戶負任何責任。
第20條 不可抗力
第21條 保密
1. 對於由本公司揭露且指定為本客戶應保密的訊息(以下簡稱“機密資訊”),客戶應視其為極度機密資訊。
2. 本公司根據服務契約向客戶揭露的個人資訊應視為機密資訊,本公司與客戶應採取合理的措施防止此類個人訊息遭任何洩漏、偽造或竊聽之可能。
3. 若客戶發現機密資訊遭到任何洩露、偽造或竊聽的行為,應立即以書面形式(包括通過電子郵件)向本公司通報。
4. 未經本公司事先書面許可,客戶不得將機密資訊揭露給任何其他第三方;惟下列訊息不屬於機密資訊:
(1) 揭露之前客戶已知悉之資訊;
(2) 已公開或普遍可得而知之資訊;
(3) 客戶從第三方合法獲取,且不因此負擔任何保密義務的資訊;或
(4) 本公司以書面形式同意從機密資訊清單中排除的資訊。
5. 當客戶因任何適用的法律、金融商品交易所的規則或其他相當之法規命令(以上合稱「法律要求」)要求,需揭露任何本公司提供的機密資訊時,客戶應向本公司以即時的書面告知此類要求;然而,若客戶因法律規定或時間的限制而無法事先向本公司通知時,則客戶得延遲向本公司通知。儘管有本條第1項的規定,當客戶根據本項規定揭露機密資訊時,其得在必要的最小範圍內揭露;惟本公司若向客戶提供了保護機密資訊秘密性的指示,則客戶應在適用法律以及其業務操作最大可能的允許範圍內,遵守此類要求。
6. 若服務契約終止或本公司在服務契約執行期間內提出請求,則客戶應返還或銷毀機密資訊及其任何復製品。
7. 若本公司和客戶間另有特別訂立的保密協議、個人資訊的保護協議,或其他任何具有相同目的或效果的協議時,均以該特別協議優先適用。
第22條 資訊權
1. 客戶為使用本服務而註冊、提交或上傳相關資訊的智慧財產權(包括著作權)均屬於客戶,惟本公司並無保護客戶此類智慧財產權之義務。
2. 為使用本服務而註冊、提交或上傳的相關資訊,在本服務必要的範圍內,客戶應授權本公司得使用此類資訊,且不得向本公司對此類資訊行使其著作人之著作人格權。
3. 客戶透過使用本服務而獲得用戶使用本服務的相關資訊權(包含但不限於姓名、ID、圖示、圖片、狀態訊息和內容,以上合稱「用戶資訊」)均應歸屬於本公司;惟客戶在非屬本服務網頁的外部網頁中蒐集的資訊除外,外部網頁指透過客戶指定使用本服務的方法(例如提供連結)連結而得之網頁。
4. 客戶不得超出使用本服務之目的蒐集或重複使用用戶資訊。
5. 當客戶使用本服務發布廣告、訊息或其他透過使用受眾用途屬性資訊類似之發布方法(以上合稱「廣告方法」)時,客戶不得對每位與廣告接觸用戶的受眾用途屬性資訊進行識別。本項禁止規定亦包含但不限於下述適用情形,當發布廣告時,為每個受眾用途屬性資訊指定個別的轉換路徑,並添加特定資訊,以在指定URL的轉換路徑中得以追蹤其轉換路徑。
6. 客戶在此同意,當服務契約失效、終止或部分本服務的條款終止時,本公司得自主決定刪除客戶所有註冊本服務的相關資料。
7. 客戶同意,即使在服務契約終止後,透過使用本服務發送給用戶的訊息仍將保留在用戶的設備中,用戶並得繼續使用此類訊息。
第23條. 資料處理等
1. 於本服務中,本公司將會把廣告展示於本公司或本公司關連第三方於各國及各地區提供指定的廣告版位。
2. 本公司得隨時(包括廣告發布期間)酌情變更廣告展示形式等,毋須另行通知客戶。
3. 本公司將針對客戶發布之廣告,向客戶提供取得之廣告點擊次數、總曝光次數及與廣告投放成效相關的其他資料(但不包括可讓客戶辨識個別用戶的資訊)(以上合稱「成效資訊」)以及基於成效資訊計算而得的統計資料。除了本使用條款與LINE Tag之使用規範另有規定之外,就成效資訊及其他任何使用或產生於本服務之資訊(包括但不限於發布資訊、紀錄檔案及受眾資料)而言,客戶同意,為提供本服務評估本服務的效應、預防詐欺、分享予本公司合作夥伴(例如廣告效果評估的合作廠商)、改善與提升本服務效能、及其他LY Corporation隱私權政策( 所載之目的等,本公司有權永久取得並使用該等資訊,毋須支付任何權利金。
第24條 損害賠償
1. 若客戶違反本使用條款並對本公司造成損害(包含但不限於合理的律師費用),客戶應立即賠償本公司該損害。
2. 若客戶收到第三人(包含用戶)關於本服務之申訴、主張、要求、請求、異議等(下稱「申訴等」),聲稱該第三人之權利遭到侵害時,該客戶應以自己之費用及責任,處理並解決該申訴等。若本公司因該申訴等而受有損害時,相關客戶應立即賠償本公司該所有損害。此外,若本公司代表相關客戶處理並解決該申訴等,則處理和解決所需之所有費用均應由相關客戶負擔。
3. 對於因不可抗力因素(如火災、停電、自然災害、網路或系統故障)或第13條第11項所列事由導致本服務遭中斷或中止時,本公司對客戶因此受到的損害不負賠償責任。
4. 客戶承認並同意,當客戶透過使用本服務以引導用戶至外部服務,則在某些情況下,用戶可能會因技術原因或其他原因而無法使用該外部服務。此外,客戶可能會因該引導而遭受到不利益,包含但不限於來自用戶的申訴或平台業者的不利對應(以下合稱「不利益」)。客戶需承擔遭受前述不利益的風險,並承諾會自行承擔引導用戶至外部服務的風險。客戶並同意本公司對於無法使用外部服務或任何不利益造成之任何損害,均不負擔賠償責任。
5. 關於本使用條款本條之規定,僅當因本公司故意行為或重大過失造成客戶損害時,本公司將在合理、直接且實際受有損害的範圍內,負擔損害賠償責任。此時,賠償額以該客戶於損害發生時,上一個月實際支付本公司使用費之額度為上限。
第25條 客戶名稱與資訊更改
1. 若客戶的註冊事項有任何更改時,則客戶應即時依照公司規定的方法,通知本公司更改事項。
2. 當本公司收到前項所述通知時,本公司得要求客戶提供變更證明文件,客戶並應配合相關要求。
第26條 客戶個人可識別資訊之蒐集、處理與利用
1. 有關客戶提供給本公司的客戶個人可識別資訊,本公司將用於本服務相關的資訊提供、相關提醒以及其他與本服務相關之事務處理的目的範圍內,本公司並將以符合LY Corporation隱私權政策之方式蒐集、處理及利用上開資訊。
2. 除非法令及/或LY Corporation隱私權政策有要求,且已另外得到相關客戶個別之同意外,本公司不得在未經客戶同意之情況下,提供客戶個人可識別資訊給第三人。
3. 客戶得要求本公司揭露、訂正、追加及/或刪除本公司自客戶蒐集的個人可識別資訊。但該等揭露、訂正、追加及/或刪除,應依本公司另外規定之程序進行,且在某些情況下可能需要另外收費。關於揭露、訂正、追加及/或刪除或申訴之問題,請利用以下連結聯絡本公司:(。
4. 為提供本服務及實現本條款第26條所定之目的,台灣連線股份有限公司會蒐集付款對象選定為台灣連線股份有限公司之客戶相關資料,包含但不限於:
(1) 付款資訊,如載具類型、聯絡人姓名、電子郵件帳號、付款方名稱、發票交易資訊,付款紀錄;
(2) 廣告主資訊,如廣告主名稱、身分證字號或外國人護照號碼、廣告主地址或廣告主住居所地址、廣告主電話號碼;
(3) 產品資訊,如LINE官方帳號ID;及/或
(4) 基本資訊,如廣告帳號名稱。
第27條 轉讓
第28條 可分性
第29條 準據法
第30條 合意專屬管轄
第31條 諮詢
第32條 適用範圍
LINE Ads Platform for Advertiser Terms of Use
These Terms of Use of LINE Ads Platform for Advertiser (hereinafter referred to as these “Terms of Use”) set forth the terms and conditions for using LINE Ads Platform for Advertiser (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) between LY Corporation and/or a group company designated by LY Corporation [For example, such group company designated by LY Corporation will be LINE Taiwan Limited if a party who has executed the Service Agreement (as defined in Article 2.1) (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) chooses to pay to LINE Taiwan Limited] (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company”) and the “Customer”. A person to agree to these Terms of Use for or on behalf of the Customer represents and warrants that it has been given the authority to agree to these Terms of Use from the Customer, and that it is agreeing to these Terms of Use based on such authority. When the Customer starts to use the Service, it shall be deemed that the Customer has agreed to these Terms of Use. When the Customer is to subcontract a part of the use of the Service to a subcontractor, the Customer shall obtain the Company’s approval, cause the subcontractor to perform the Customer’s obligations under these Terms of Use, and be responsible for the subcontractor’s performance of such obligations.
Article 1 (Overview of Service)
The Service is a service in which the Customer can use the ad distribution system provided by the Company and distribute its advertisement, on an ad spot provided by the Company or a third party affiliated with the Company in the Company’s prescribed country or region. Details of the Service shall be prescribed in the media sheet to be separately provided by the Company.
Article 2 (Contractual Relationship)
1. A party who desires to use the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) shall agree to these Terms of Use, fill out an “application form” separately prescribed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Application Form”) with required information and send the Application Form to the Company. Upon the Company’s acceptance of the Application Form, the service agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Agreement”) in relation to the Service shall be deemed to be executed between the Company and the Applicant who becomes the Customer.
2. An Applicant may apply to execute the Service Agreement through an advertising agency.
3. If any of the following applies, the Company may reject the application to execute the Service Agreement:
(1) The Applicant has been or may be, as determined by the Company, delinquent in paying fees, expenses, premiums or late charges for services, including the Service and any other services provided by the Company;
(2) The Applicant may, as determined by the Company, harm the reputation of the Service;
(3) The Application Form contains any false information or misrepresentation; or
(4) In addition to the preceding three (3) items, the Company deems that it is inappropriate to execute the Service Agreement.
4. If any of the events in the preceding paragraph applies to the Customer, the Company may suspend the use of Service by the Customer or terminate the Service Agreement with the Customer without any prior notice or warning to the Customer.
Article 3 (Relation of these Terms of Use and Media Sheet)
In addition to the matters prescribed in these Terms of Use, the matters prescribed in the media sheet related to the Service are also applicable to the Service. If there is any discrepancy between these Terms of Use and the media sheet, the order of preferential application shall be the media sheet, and then these Terms of Use.
Article 4 (Amendment of these Terms of Use, etc.)
The Company may amend these Terms of Use and the media sheet. After making the amendment, the Company will announce the amended Terms of Use and media sheet on the Company’s website or by individually notifying the Customers. If the Customer uses the Service after the foregoing announcement or notification, it shall be deemed that the Customer has agreed to the amended Terms of Use and media sheet.
Article 5 (Fees and Payment)
1. The Company will collect the fees for the Service from the Customer with either one of the following two methods: (1) the Company will charge the fees on the date designated by the Company using the credit card provided by the Customer; or (2) The Company calculates the fees for the Service by closing its books on the last day of each month and, as a general rule, issue an invoice or a statement according to the Company’s prescribed method within ten (10) business days from the first day of each month. The Customer shall pay the amount indicated on the invoice or statement according to the Company’s prescribed method by the payment date separately designated by the Company. The Customer shall bear the bank transfer fee. Even if there is any erroneous billing due to an inadequacy or error in the delivery address of the invoice or the information of the credit card registered in the Service, the Company shall not be liable in any way. The Customer shall strictly observe the payment deadline. If the Customer is delinquent in paying the fees or the premiums for the Service, the Company may charge the Customer a late charge of 10% per annum for the outstanding amount for the period of delinquency, and may discontinue or suspend the provision of the Service to the Customer until the payment is made.
2. If any consumption tax is imposed in accordance with the Consumption Tax Act of Japan or Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act of Taiwan or other related laws on the payment of the fees to be paid by the Customer to the Company, the Customer shall pay the fees together with an amount equivalent to the applicable consumption tax.
3. The Company will round off any fraction to the nearest whole number that has resulted from calculation of the fees or any other amounts.
4. The Company shall have the right to change the fees and terms and conditions of the Service at its discretion provided that the Company shall send a written prior notice (including by way of email) to the Customer or post such change on the ad distribution system of the Service.
5. If any excess or shortage in the fees paid by the Customer to the Company is discovered due to an erroneous billing to the Customer caused by a system failure or any other reason, and the Customer is required to separately pay fees to the Company, the Company may confirm the incident with the Company and adjust the balance of the erroneous billing, including the adjustment of such excess or shortage, by increasing or decreasing the fees to be paid by the Customer to the Company after the month in which the Customer was notified (if the Customer is using multiple services of the Company, referring to all fees for the services of the Company without limitation to the Service). With regard to the cause of such erroneous billing, while the Company will exert commercially reasonable efforts to notify the Customer to the extent that the Company can determine such cause and consult with the Customer in good-faith, if such notice is difficult due to reasons such as the Company not being able to determine the cause of the erroneous billing, the Company shall not be responsible for bearing the obligation of notifying the Customer.
6. If required by applicable laws or under the circumstances that the Company deems appropriate, the Company may refund the fees to the Customer. The Company will issue a credit note to the Customer, and the Customer agrees that such issuance will not be subject to further agreement or confirmation by the Customer. For the avoidance of doubt, in addition to refund, the Company may, under other circumstances that the Company deems appropriate, including but not limited to correction or amendment of the invoice and /or the information thereof, the Customer agrees that the Company will issue a credit note to the Customer according to this Article 5.6 and such issuance will not be subject to further agreement or confirmation by the Customer.
Article 6 (Distribution Period)
1. The distribution period of each advertisement shall be decided by the Customer at its own discretion, and shall be executed through the administration website provided by the Company.
2. There may be cases where the time zone displayed on the administration website upon setting the distribution period and the time zone for the Company to tabulate the invoice amount to be billed to the Customer are inconsistent due to the settings performed by the Customer. The Customer shall not raise any objection regarding such inconsistency.
3. Even after the termination of the distribution period, if there is any balance remaining in the campaign budget of each advertisement, the fees of the Service may be subject to the billing period while the cache of each advertisement is remaining and being displayed on the terminal, etc. of a user of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “User”).
Article 7 (Clearance of Rights related to the Submitted Materials)
1. Arrangements of the submitted materials to be distributed in the Service and the clearance of rights (including payment to copyright collecting agencies such as JASRAC or any other copyright collective management associations of Taiwan) regarding the materials to be used in the destination guided from the submitted materials (including, but not limited to, domain name, URL, website within the same domain and application; hereinafter referred to as the “Guided Destination”) shall be handled by the Customer at its own cost burden and responsibility. The Customer shall grant to the Company, for an indefinite period and free of charge, the rights required for displaying the submitted materials, which are used in the Service, in the mediums being handled in the Service.
2. The Customer shall grant to the Company, for an indefinite period and free of charge, the rights for LY Corporation’s domestic and overseas subsidiaries and companies subcontracted by LY Corporation to replicate, analyze and examine the submitted materials, which are used in the Service, for confirming the non-infringement of rights of third parties or the appropriateness of the subject matter of the submitted materials, for improving the user-friendliness of the Customers or for improving the contents of the Service.
Article 8 (Responsibilities of the Customer)
1. Irrespective of whether the Customer is the advertiser of the advertisement, the Customer warrants to the Company that the submitted materials and the Guided Destination (a) do not infringe upon any copyrights, industrial property rights, publicity rights, privacy rights or any other rights of a third party, (b) are not in violation of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations or any other related applicable laws and regulations (in addition to the laws of the country where the Customer is located, including the laws of the country where the advertisement is to be distributed, such as Fair Trade Act, Cosmetic Hygiene and Safety Act, Health Food Control Act or Pharmaceutical Affairs Act of Taiwan etc.), (c) are accurate and up-to-date, do not confuse the Users, contain any computer virus or false information and the submitted materials and the Guide Destination are not of unrelated subject matter, (d) are not a dead link, and (e) are not contrary to public order and morals, do not slander any third party, or contain subject matter that impairs the reputation of any third party.
2. If the Company receives a complaint or a claim from a third party in relation to the submitted materials or the Guided Destination, the Customer shall handle such complaint or claim under its own responsibility and cost burden. Furthermore, if the Company suffers any damage in connection with the submitted materials or the Guided Destination, the Customer shall promptly compensate such damage suffered by the Company (including, but not limited to, lost profits, special damages and reasonable attorney’s fees).
Article 8-2 (Anti-Fraud Cooperation)
To prevent and combat fraud and to comply with the requirements under the Taiwan Statute Governing the Prevention of Fraudulent Crimes (the “Statute”), the Customer acknowledges and agrees to adhere to the requirements under this Article 8-2 before and during the use of the Service. In case of any conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of this Article 8-2 and any other articles under these Terms of Use, the provisions under this Article 8-2 shall prevail, to the extent that the Statute is applicable.
Under the Statute, the Customer that distributes its own advertisements shall be deemed the commissioning advertiser. If a third party distribute the advertisement on behalf of the Customer, such third party shall be deemed the sponsor, and the Customer shall be deemed the commissioning advertiser. The Customer shall comply with, and cause the sponsor to comply with, the requirements under this Article 8-2 as if the sponsor were the Customer.
All the obligations that the Customer shall fulfill hereunder apply to both the commissioning advertiser and the sponsor.
- Advertisements shall not contain any fraudulent information.
- The Customer shall complete the following "Know Your Customer" (“KYC”) verification procedures:
The Customer shall provide the Company with his/her/its identification documents as specified by the Company, which may include, without limitation, a national ID card, passport, and/or other government-issued authentication documents sufficient to verify the Customer's identity.
The Customer shall receive the Company's verification of his/her/its identity in the method(s) designated by the Company at its sole discretion, which may include, without limitation, the following:
- Remote verification: The Customer shall provide a digital copy of the identification document and complete one of the following verification methods, as designated by the Company:
- Transmission of data by a card-reader in a digital signature certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior Certificate Authority (MOICA), the Ministry of Economic Affairs Certificate Authority (MOEACA), the Government Certificate Authority (GCA), or any other authorities approved by the Taiwan government;
- Fast IDentity Online (FIDO);
- Other identity verification technologies with secure encryption mechanisms for data transmission, including but not limited to Mobile ID, One-Time Password (OTP), or requiring the Customer to display identification during a video verification call; or
- Any other verification method to the extent permitted by law.
- In-person verification: The Customer shall present the original identification document to the Company.
If the Customer appoints an agent to complete the verification, the agent must additionally present (a) the original authorization letter signed by the Customer; and (b) the agent's original identification document.
- Disclosure of Information:
The Customer shall disclose the information designated by the Company in all of the advertisements that it posts by using the Service, including, without limitation, the following:
- The Customer's identity:
- For a natural person, his/her name as shown on his/her identification documents; and
- For a legal person, its company name and address;
- The advertising approval number, if the advertisement requires regulatory approval;
- Use of any deepfake or AI-generated personal images, if included in the advertisement; and
- The mark "AD", "Advertising" or similar wording and any other information required by the Company in accordance with applicable laws or regulations.
- The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Company may, without notice, provide courts, prosecutors, and police with the Customer's information (including, without limitation, LINE ID, Official Account ID, mobile numbers, electromagnetic records, documents, images, articles, information obtained from user registration and identity verification procedures, connection records, transaction records, and any other information that may be used to identify the Customer or relevant transactions) for their investigation in accordance with the Statute. The Customer shall fully cooperate with the Company by providing any additional information upon request by the courts, prosecutors, and/or police and responding to their inquiries in a timely manner.
- If the Company becomes aware of, or receives any notice about any fraudulent advertisement distributed by the Customer, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Company may take any of the following actions, for which the Company shall not be liable and will not refund any payment made for the Service:
- remove, restrict access to, cease displaying, or take any other necessary measures against the advertisement at issue; and
- cease or suspend the provision of the Service to the Customer.
- The Company may refuse to provide the Service to any Customer who fails to comply with any of the requirements hereunder.
- The Customer shall compensate the Company for any loss and damage incurred (including, without limitation, any administrative fines, third-party claims, lost profits, and reasonable attorney's fees) from or in connection with the Customer's violation of any requirement hereunder.
Article 9 (Advertisement Screening Standards)
1. The content and format of the submitted materials and the Guided Destination must be compliant with the advertisement screening standards prescribed by the Company or their incidental guidelines, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Distribution Guidelines”); provided, however, that the Distribution Guidelines are not prepared with the intention of offering legal advice. The Customer shall, under its own responsibility, confirm and observe all laws, regulations and ordinances that are applicable to the requested advertisement.
2. In order to confirm the Customer’s distribution contents’ observance of the Distribution Guidelines, the Company will perform crawling to the URL related to the advertisement submitted by the Customer. The Customer agrees in advance that, if the Company is unable to perform crawling, there may be cases where the advertisement cannot be posted, and affirms that it will not modify the distribution contents only at the time that the Company performs crawling. The Company shall not be liable in any way for any damage suffered by the Customer as a result of performing crawling.
Article 10 (Screening of Submitted Materials and Guide Destination)
The content and format of the submitted materials and the Guided Destination will undergo the Company’s prescribed screening according to the Distribution Guidelines. Unless the submitted materials and the Guided Destination pass the screening, the ad distribution based on the submitted materials shall not be performed. If there is any change to all or a part of the content or format of the submitted materials or the Guided Destination after passing the screening, the submitted materials and the Guided Destination shall once again undergo the Company’s prescribed screening. This screening does not in any way ensure the legality, safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-existence of any actual or legal defect such as security-related flaws, errors or bugs, or infringement of rights regarding the submitted materials or the content of the Guided Destination.
Article 11 (Suspension of the Distribution)
Even after the Company performs the Company’s prescribed screening to the content and format of the submitted materials and the Guided Destination according to the Distribution Guidelines, (1) if there is any breach by the Customer of any warranty obligation or compliance matter prescribed in these Terms of Use, or the Company determines based on its own discretion that there is a possibility of such a breach, or (2) there are circumstances in which the distribution of the submitted materials or the Guide Destination as advertisement is deemed inappropriate at the Company’s discretion due to social factors, even after the distribution of advertisement pertaining to such submitted materials is started, the Company may, at its own discretion, immediately suspend the distribution of all or a part of the distributed advertisement without having to bear any default liability, liability for damage or any other legal liability against the Customer. In the foregoing case, the Customer is not exempted from paying the fees incurred in connection with the submitted materials.
Article 12 (Interruption of the Service)
In the event of any of the following, the Company may temporarily interrupt all or part of the Service:
(1) Maintenance of systems or equipment used for the Service;
(2) Failure of systems or equipment used for the Service; or
(3) Incapability to use telecommunication services for any reason attributable to telecommunication companies.
Article 13 (Suspension of the Service)
If any of the following applies to the Customer, the Company may suspend the use of the Service by the Customer:
(1) The Customer fails to pay the fees for the Service when they become due;
(2) The Customer assigns, lends or shares its account or administration website for the Service according to a method that is not prescribed by the Company;
(3) The Customer infringes upon any industrial property right, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights of a third party;
(4) The Customer violates any applicable law or regulation, including the constitution, international treaties, national laws and regulations, and local ordinances;
(5) The Customer provide or resell the ad spots provided by the Service to a third party;
(6) The Customer distributes information that is irrelevant to Customer's products or services (or, in the case of an advertising agency, information that is irrelevant to the products or services of the advertiser who commissioned the Customer to place an advertisement) or leads the Users to irrelevant Guided Destination;
(7) The Customer enters false or untrue information in the Application Form;
(8) The Customer distributes information containing false or fabricated information;
(9) The Customer distributes information in breach of the Distribution Guidelines;
(10) The Customer distributes information that is contrary to public order and morals;
(11) The Customer infringes upon the honor, trust, privacy or any other right of a third party;
(12) The Customer commits an act that is disadvantageous or harmful to the Company or the Company’s customers;
(13) The Customer commits an act that the Company deems illegitimate or inappropriate;
(14) The Customer commits an act that results or may result, as determined by the Company, in significant interference with the businesses of the Company, or the provision or operation of the Service; or
(15) A third party who operates and provides the application market for mobile devices used for the Service namely as Apple Inc. and Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform Provider”) requires the Company to suspend providing all or part of the Service.
Article 14 (Termination of the Service)
1. The Company may terminate all or part of the Service as deemed appropriate by the Company.
2. If the Company is to terminate the Service, the Company shall notify, three (3) month before the termination, the Customer to such effect by way of announcement on the Company’s website or by giving written notice including by way of email.
3. If all or part of the Service is terminated based on the preceding two paragraphs, the Service Agreement shall be terminated concurrently as of the date of such termination of the Service.
Article 15 (Termination of the Service Agreement)
1. If any of the events in Article 13 (Suspension of the Service) applies to the Customer, the Company may immediately terminate the Service Agreement with the Customer by sending a notice to the Customer, without suspending the Service pursuant to Article 13.
2. Either the Company or the Customer may immediately terminate the Service Agreement by sending a notice to the other party, if any officer, employee, agent or broker (hereinafter referred to as the “Party Concerned”) of the other party is found to be an antisocial force (such as organized crime group, or member, quasi-member or affiliated company of any organized crime group, or corporate racketeer, political racketeering organization, organized intellectual crime group and any other similar organization or person) or any Party Concerned of the other party is found to be involved with such antisocial force.
3. If there is any balance remaining in the account of the Customer who was terminated the Service Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article, the Company will refund such balance to the Customer according to the Company’s prescribed method; provided, however, that, if the Company requests the Customer to designate the account to which the balance is to be refunded within the deadline separately designated by the Company but the Customer fails to designate such refund account, or if the Company is otherwise unable to refund the balance to the account designated by the Customer due to reasons that are not attributable to the Company, the Company may keep such balance. The Customer shall bear the bank transfer fee required for refunding the balance.
4. The refund of the balance set out in the preceding paragraph shall be performed after deducting, from such balance, all debts that are borne by the Customer against the Company (including, but not limited to, fees and damages).
5. In cases where the posting of the advertisement between the Company and the Customer is ended and the Customer will no longer use the Service, if there is any balance remaining in the Customer’s account, the Company shall refund such balance to the Customer upon the Customer’s request. As a general rule, while the bank transfer fee required for refunding the balance shall be borne by the Company, if the balance remained due to circumstances of the Customer, there may be cases where the Company will request the Customer to pay the bank transfer fee.
Article 16 (LINE Tag)
“LINE Tag” refers to the code of the website provided by the Company for measuring information related to the visits and action history of the websites managed and operated by third parties other than the Company. The Customer shall observe the LINE Tag Guidelines in using LINE Tag.
Article 17 (Handling of Audience Data)
1. The Customer may, upon pledging to the following matters, use the function of distributing an advertisement to specified Users in the Service by submitting identifier information such as the Android Advertising ID and the IDFA held by the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the “Mobile Ad ID”), and contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses (hereinafter referred to as the “Contact Information”) to the Company, or using information related to the visits and action history sent to the Company by using LINE Tag or a third-party tool (“Mobile Ad ID” and “Contact Information” are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Audience Data”).
(1) The number of ad distribution destinations upon designating the Audience Data shall be greater than the number prescribed in the media sheet.
(2) When the Customer is to distribute an advertisement by designating the Contact Information, the Company shall convert the Contact Information and submit the same to the Company under its own responsibility according to a method separately prescribed by the Company.
(3) The Customer shall observe all applicable laws (including guidelines) with regard to the use of the Service by using the Audience Data to be submitted or sent.
(4) The Customer represents and warrants all of the following matters to the Company in using the Audience Data Usage Function:
(a) the Customer will acquire the Audience Data from the holder of such Audience Data according to legal means including a written consent, or cause a tool provider to acquire and send the same to LINE; and
(b) the Customer has acquired permission based on legal means including a written consent from the holder of the Audience Data with regard to the ad distribution by using the Service with the Audience Data as the key.
(5) The Customer shall respect the opt-out against the behavior targeting ad distribution based on the setting of the terminal or browser or a method independently provided by the Customer, and represent that the Audience Data of the person who exercised such opt-out is not included in the Audience Data designated by the Customer upon using the Audience Data Usage Function. Furthermore, when the Company determines that a User exercised the opt-out of the behavior targeting ad distribution based on the setting of the terminal or browser or a method independently provided by the Company, the Customer agrees in advance that, even in cases where the Audience Data of such User is included in the Audience Data designated by the Customer, such Audience Data will be excluded from the subject of distribution upon using the Audience Data Usage Function.
(6) The Customer acknowledges in advance that there may be cases where the advertisement cannot be distributed to the holder of the Audience Data or cases where the advertisement is distributed to a person that is different from the holder of the Audience Data recognized by the Customer (including, but not limited to, cases where there is an error in the Contact Information held by the Customer and cases where the Contact Information held by the Customer and the Contact Information held by the Company are inconsistent), and the Company shall not be liable in any way for any damage that is consequently suffered by the Customer.
2. The Company will use the Contact Information and Mobile Ad ID submitted by the Customer only for the purpose of selecting targets for ad distribution by matching the data held by the Company. Except for data already held by the Company, the Contact Information and Mobile Ad ID will be automatically deleted from the Company's environment after the matching process is complete.
3. In the event that the Customer submit the Company with any personally referable information (including, but not limited to, mobile advertising IDs, phone numbers, email addresses, and internal identifiers of Users), the Customer must acknowledge in advance that the Company will handle the information the Customer submit in the following manner:
(1) The personally referable information submitted by the Customer will be used for the purpose of selecting targets for ad distribution by matching the data held by the Company. Except for data already held by the Company, the personally referable information will be deleted from the Company's environment after the matching process is complete.
(2) Matching of personally referable information as set forth in the preceding item shall be conducted using only data held by the Company, for which the Company has obtained prior consent in advance to allow the Company to acquire such Personal Data from the Individual.
(3) The Company shall not acquire as personal data any personally referable information that could not be matched as stipulated in Item (1), and delete such personally referable information.
4. The Customer shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws, ordinances and guidelines regarding the handling of information, such as obtaining prior consent of the principal when the information submitted to the Company includes personal information.
Article 18 (Disclaimer related to the Distribution)
1. The Company does not in any way warrant that the Service is free from defects, bugs, or troubles caused by other reasons. There is also a possibility of various troubles; for instance, the distributed advertisement is not displayed, the content of the displayed advertisement is displayed in a format that is different from the original content, the advertisement is displayed on a target that is different from the set target, or the displayed data is inaccurate. The Customer shall be fully aware of the foregoing circumstances, and, even if the ad distribution system does not operate normally and the ad distribution is not performed as scheduled, the Customer shall not pursue any legal responsibility against the Company unless it was caused by the willful intent of the Company.
2. The Customer agrees that the Company may, without separately notifying the Customer, perform a test distribution or an ad distribution determined based on a logic that differs from the standard ad distribution logic to certain traffic for optimizing and improving the quality of the ad distribution logic of the Service, and acknowledges that the Company may include the fees of such distribution in the fees of the Service to be billed as set out in Article 5.
3. The Customer acknowledges that, if the advertisement distributed in the Service is wrongfully posted or clicked due to reasons that are beyond the control of the Company, the Company shall not be responsible therefor, and will not discount the fees in connection therewith.
Article 19 (Disclaimer of the Company)
1. The deemed attribute to be used in the targeting was estimated based on an independent algorithm set by the Company by analyzing the action of the Users of the Company’s services, and the Company does not guarantee that the target belongs to such attribute.
2. The Company does not in any way guarantee and will not be liable in any way with regard to (a) the submitted materials and the Guided Destination, (b) any act conducted by any third party, including the Users of the Company, in relation to the submitted materials and the Guided Destination, (c) proposals and any and all items that were provided or leased from the Company to the Customer upon distributing the advertisement (including any advice, proposal, prediction and any other information provided by the Company to the Customer) and results of using the same, and (d) distribution location, quality (including the number of persons that the ad distribution had reached and the ad distribution result) and precision of the targeting function.
3. Depending on the User’s setting or the application version, or any other setting or environment, there may be cases where the content of the advertisement is not displayed correctly or not guided to the Guided Destination when clicked even if the ad distribution system is operating normally. The Company shall not be liable in any way even in the foregoing case.
4. The Company shall not be liable in any way for any other damage caused due to an error in the setting by the Customer.
5. When an exchange conversion is required, the Company’s prescribed rate shall be applied as the exchange rate at an arbitrary timing. The Customer shall not raise any objection regarding such exchange conversion, and the Company shall not be liable in any way even if the Customer were to consequently suffer any damage or disadvantage.
Article 20 (Force Majeure)
The Company shall not be liable in any way even when an advertisement, which was scheduled to be distributed, could not be distributed or was not distributed appropriately due to calamities, communication failures or other force majeure events, hacking or cracking by a third party, failure of the internet infrastructure or the Customer’s server, or any other reason that is not attributable to the Company, or for measures that need to be performed by the Company for providing the Service such as emergency system maintenance or maintenance inspection.
Article 21 (Confidentiality)
1. With respect to information disclosed by the Company designated as confidential to the Customer (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”)), the Customer shall treat such information as strictly confidential.
2. Personal information disclosed by the Company to the Customer pursuant to the Service Agreement shall be treated as Confidential Information. The Company and the Customer shall use reasonable efforts to prevent any divulgence, falsification or eavesdropping of such personal information.
3. If the Customer becomes aware of any divulgence, falsification or eavesdropping of the Confidential Information, it shall immediately report to the Company in writing, including by way of email.
4. The Customer may not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written approval of the Company; provided, however, that the following information shall not correspond to Confidential Information:
(1) Information that was already known to the Customer prior to the disclosure;
(2) Information that is publicly known or generally available to the public;
(3) Information that the Customer has legitimately obtained from a third party without bearing any confidentiality obligation; or
(4) Information that the Company has agreed in writing to be excluded from the Confidential Information.
5. In the event that the Customer is required by any applicable laws, the rules of Financial Instruments Exchange or any other regulations equivalent to such rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Laws”) to disclose any of the Confidential Information disclosed by the Company, the Customer shall provide the Company with prompt written notice of such requirement; provided, however, that if the Customer will not be able to provide the Company with a prior notice due to the restrictions by Laws or time constraint, the Customer may provide a late notice to the Company. When the Company is to disclose the Confidential Information pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this article, the Company may do so within the requisite minimum scope; provided, however, that, if the Company gives instructions to the Company for maintaining the secrecy of the Confidential Information in the foregoing disclosure, the Company shall comply with such request to the extent possible under the applicable laws and on a practical level of the Company’s operation.
6. If the Service Agreement is terminated or if the Company requests during the term of the Service Agreement, the Customer shall return or destroy the Confidential Information and any reproductions thereof.
7. If the Company and the Customer separately execute a separate non-disclosure agreement and an agreement on protection of personal information, or any other agreements that have the same purpose or effect, such an agreement shall prevail.
Article 22 (Rights to Information)
1. Intellectual property rights, including copyrights, to information registered, submitted or uploaded for the Service by the Customer shall belong to the Customer; provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to protect the intellectual property rights of the Customer.
2. The Customer shall grant to the Company the license to use the information registered, submitted or uploaded for the Service by the Customer to the extent necessary for the Service. The Customer shall not enforce its author’s moral rights against the Company.
3. Rights to information of Users of the Service that the Customer obtains from its use of the Service (including, but not limited to, names, IDs, icon images, status messages and contents; hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Users’ Information”) shall belong to the Company; provided, however, that an exception may apply to information of the Users collected by the Customer at websites that are not the websites for the Service but accessed through the use of the Service by means, such as links, designated by the Customer.
4. The Customer may not collect or reuse the Users’ Information for any purpose other than to use the Service.
5. When the Customer is to use the Service and distribute an advertisement, a message or the like using a deemed attribute (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Advertisement”), the Customer must not identify the attribute of the Users who come into contact with the Advertisement. The prohibited matters of this paragraph include, but are not limited to, designating an individual transition destination for each attribute upon distributing the Advertisement and adding specific information which enables the tracing of the transition path in the URL designating the transition destination.
6. The Customer agrees in advance that all information registered for the Service by the Customer will be deleted at the Company’s discretion if the Service Agreement is expired or terminated or the provision of the Service is terminated.
7. The Customer agrees that information distributed to the Users through the use of the Service will remain in the Users’ devices even after the termination of the Service Agreement and that the Users may continue to use such information.
Article 23 (Handling of Data)
1. In the Service, the Company will distribute advertisements to ad spots provided by the Company or a third party affiliated with the Company in each country or region prescribed by the Company.
2. The Company may, at its own discretion and without notifying the Customer, change the display style of the advertisements, etc. at any time, including during the ad distribution period.
3. The Company will acquire and retain the click count, display count, number of complete views and other information regarding the results of the advertisement distributed by the Customer (not including information capable of identifying specific individuals; hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Provided Information”), and compute statistics based on the Provided Information and provide the computed statistics to the Customer. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Use or the LINE Tag Usage Guidelines, the Customer agrees that the Company may acquire and use, free of charge, the Provided Information and all information generated and used in the Service (including, but not limited to, distribution information, log information, and Audience Data) for providing the Service and measuring the results of the Service, preventing misconducts, sharing with the Company’s business partners such as advertising effect measurement business operators, and improving and bettering the performance of the Company’s services, and for other purposes set forth in the LY Corporation Privacy Policy ( at its own discretion without any time limit.
Article 24 (Compensation for Damages)
1. If the Company incurs damages due to the Customer’s violation of these Terms of Use, the Customer shall immediately compensate all such damages (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees).
2. If the Customer receives any claim, allegation, demand, request or motion, etc. (hereinafter collectively as the “Claims”) that the Customer has infringed upon a right of a third party, including the Users, in relation to the Service, the Customer shall resolve such Claims at its expense and responsibility. If the Company incurs any damages due to such Claims, the Customer shall immediately compensate all such damages. If the Company resolves the Claims, the Customer shall pay for all expenses incurred by the Company to resolve the Claims.
3. The Company is not responsible for any damage that the Customer may incur during any interruption or suspension of the Service due to force majeure such as fire, electric outage or natural disaster, network or system failure, or the event in Article 13, Item (11).
4. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that when the Customer leads the Users to an external service by using the Service, there can be situations where the said external service would be unavailable to the Users due to technical or other reasons. Furthermore, the Customer may suffer disadvantages including, but not limited to, complaints from the Users and/or disadvantageous treatment by the Platform Provider (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Disadvantages”). The Customer assumes the risk of suffering Disadvantages, and acknowledges that the Customer shall lead the Users to an external service at its own risk. The Customer agrees that the Company will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by unavailability of the external service or the Disadvantages.
5. With respect to the provisions of these Terms of Use, only if the Customer incurs damages due to the Company’s willful conduct or gross negligence, the Company will compensate such damages to the extent that such damages are ordinary, actual and direct. The amount of compensation to be paid by the Company shall be limited to the amount of fees actually paid by the Customer in the month preceding the month when the damages have been incurred.
Article 25 (Change of Name and Other Information of the Customer)
1. If there is any change to the Customer’s registered matters, the Customer shall promptly notify the Company of the change according to the Company’s prescribed method.
2. If the Company receives the notice in the preceding paragraph, the Company may request the Customer to provide a document evidencing such change, and the Customer shall comply with such request.
Article 26 (Collection, processing and use of customers' information)
1. The Company will use customers' personally identifiable information ("PII") provided to the Company by the customers for providing information and notices relating to the Service, as well as for the purposes within the scope of handling other affairs relating to the Service. In addition, the Company will collect, process and use the aforementioned information in the manner that complies with LY Corporation Privacy Policy.
2. Unless otherwise required by laws and/or LY Corporation Privacy Policy, or with the respective consent from relevant customers, the Company shall not provide customers' PII to any third parties without customers' consent.
3. The customers may request the Company to disclose, modify, add and/or delete the PII collected from the customers by the Company; provided that such disclosure, modification, addition and /or deletion shall be carried out pursuant to the procedures otherwise stipulated by the Company, and additional charges may be required under certain circumstances. For questions regarding such disclosure, modification, addition and/or deletion or any complaints, please contact our Company at the URL below: (。
4. In order to provide the Services and carrying out the purpose of Article 26, LINE Taiwan Limited will collect information from Customers who choose to pay to LINE Taiwan Limited, including but not limited to:
(1) payment information such as invoice carrier information, contact name, contact email account, payer name, invoice information, payment record;
(2) advertiser information such as advertiser’s name, individuals’ ID number or passport number of foreigners, advertiser’s address, advertiser’s phone number;
(3) product information such as Official Account ID; and/or
(4) Basic information such as advertiser’s account name.
Under aforementioned occasion, if LINE Taiwan Limited is requested by a court, an investigating authority or other government institution, according to applicable laws, to disclose or provide the aforementioned information of the Customers who choose to pay to LINE Taiwan Limited, and if LINE Taiwan Limited determines such request to be reasonable, LINE Taiwan Limited may exempt the clause of Article 26.2 and disclose or provide such Customers' aforementioned information without obtaining the consent of Customer.
Article 27 (Transfer of the Position and Succession)
The Customer shall not transfer, assign, provide as security to a third party, or allow a third party to succeed, its status under the Service Agreement or its rights and obligations arising in connection with the Service Agreement, without going through the Company’s prescribed method.
Article 28 (Severability)
If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use is declared to be invalid or unenforceable by the court or any other competent authorities, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall have no effect on the validity or enforceability of other provisions or related rules. The provision that is declared to be invalid or unenforceable shall be changed to a provision that reflects initial intent of the Company and the Customer in compliance with the laws.
Article 29 (Governing Law)
These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
Article 30 (Exclusive Jurisdiction)
The Company and the Customer agree that either the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court, as determined depending on the amount of damages claimed, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance over any disputes related to these Terms of Use or the Service.
Article 31 (Consultation)
With respect to any matter not provided in these Terms of Use, the Company and the Customer shall discuss and resolve issues that may arise in good faith.
Article 32 (Version Control)
The LINE Ads Platform for Advertiser Terms of Use applies to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu only.
Enacted on February 1, 2018
Amended on September 21, 2018
Amended on April 25, 2019
Amended on November 6, 2019
Amended on August 12, 2020
Amended on November 13, 2020
Amended on January 13, 2021
Amended on April 1, 2022
Amended on October 1, 2023
Amended on June 5, 2024
Amended on November 29, 2024